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The trouble with… November 28, 2008

Posted by phoenixaeon in A215, Conversations with Principessa, OU, The Principessa Files, The Triffids, Wordcount, writing.


Princi was playing with her two little ponies this morning as I was getting her ready for school. She started singing this song (to the tune of ‘In the Night Garden’.)

The horses are on top of the chair,

The horses have lots of hair,

The horses are on top of their hair,

There was trouble to be found,

So the horses went and found some trouble,

And the horses got into some trouble,

Then the horses went for a walk,

The horses went for a long walk.

I don’t know, bloody trouble-finding, long walk-taking, hairy horses!


The BBC are remaking The Day Of The Triffids. I’m not sure if I’m happy about that or not. I loved the 1980’s version. Loved it! Even though I was only six when it was shown. It gave me wonderful nightmares that I can still remember now, nightmares I scribbled down as stories when I was in school. I wonder what the teacher thought about that?! After one particularly harrowing nightmare I rememer being so worried that the Triffids had killed my Mum and Dad, but I was too scared to go into their room to check on them to make sure they were OK. I stood on the landing listening at their door, but I couldn’t hear anything, so I went into the loo, stood on the toilet and peeked out of the window to make sure there were no Triffids in the garden. The garden was Triffid free, and that was when I found the courage to check on Mum and Dad.

I wonder what is next? A remake of The Tripods?


I impressed myself yesterday. I began writing P2 and found a productivity niche, churning out 1000-ish words. I was very shocked. I don’t think I’ve  ever written that much in one day before. I am planning on writing the last 1200 ish words today after taking a trip to the retail park once Princi’s finished school. I may even use the next hour, seeing as the house is quiet. And BPB has suddenly arrived back in my thoughts, although he is wearing a different guise this time. I think he wants a TMA written about him, and that has forced his metamorphosis. Lots to think about, so little time!


1. phoenixaeon - November 28, 2008

I’ve just realised, I highlighted the last line of Princi’s song. The last line was actually mine, not hers, but it would have been funny if it had have been hers!

No pills, just more inspiration than perspiration at the mo! Although I may have two stories to choose from for TMA02, which can’t be bad, and I’d be very pleased if I do. I’m not sure that the dialogue is strong enough on my stories either.
TMA03 – Poetry – no effin idea.
TMA04 – Life writing – no effin idea.
TMA05 – Choice – again, no effin idea.
ECA – Effin idea, fiction based on part biographical story of great grandmother. Need to do some research on early 1930’s though. Never thought I’d do anything remotely historical.

The way the course is set out it’s meant to encourage you to write every day, even if it’s just finding ten minutes and forcing a little bit down onto paper. I think I’ve had a floodgate moment lately because I have freed my brain from one of the stories that has been clogging it up over the last year or so.

2. skippy - November 28, 2008

The triffids were SO scary! that noise that came with them was horrible!!!

I’m loving Princi’s songwriting skills hahahahaha! Thats really impressive 😀

3. picasso36 - November 28, 2008

Interesting rhyme scheme!
have you been taking pills.tma01-done.1000 words yesterday and BPB.Bloody hell.
Finished first draft late last night,pretty weak in parts,but its slowly taking shape.Lots of editing,rewrites to do.
tma04-life writing.Nothing in my head at all.
tma05-couple of ideas.
ECA- considering poetry,if I get on with it that is.Have a thought for a series of poems.Well actually it came from a series of paintings i want to do.If I ever find the time.Realised that maybe a series of paintings could become poems.
Plan for today is to slot in the 200 words missing and spellcheck like mad.Still not happy with my dialogue(or lack of it)but…
Kids arriving later-feel a headache coming on.
Keep going while you are on a roll.This writing lark seems to be periods of total inactivity punctuated by frenzied moments.Not at all methodical(like A103)

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