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Why is it… August 19, 2014

Posted by phoenixaeon in If I could sit down and just write I might get somewhere, lists, MA, Procrastinating, reading, writing.
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…that the closer the writing module gets, the less inclined I am to write?


I’ve been pondering tapping out a blog post for the last couple of weeks, but every time I open up the textbox I think why would anyone want to read my mind-junk? It’s the same with my stories. I think what story have I got to tell and why would anyone be in the slightest bit interested in reading it? As you can see, the evil curs known as Procrastination and the Inner Critic have dropped by for an outstayed-your-welcome-already holiday. Fabulous. That’s not to say I haven’t been writing. I just haven’t been writing a lot. I’ve jotted down some ideas, but as of yet I have not had the drive to expand upon them. Procrastination has taken me by the hand and convinced me that I need to be watching this show or playing this game, so while I have the mental inspiration, I do not have the physical expiration… I am holding my breath rather than holding a pen. It’s not so good seeing as air is not a particularly functional writing implement.


Despite not writing (much), I have been reading. A lot. Well, a lot for me. I’m not an incredibly fast reader, and considering that I can count on one hand the number of books I’ve read over the past two summers, then I’m doing pretty well this year. In the list I put up previously, I have read through:

  • Tinder by Sally Gardner
  • One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez – 6% through on the Kindle. Beginning to suspect this is a book that needs to be read as a book and not by e-reader.
  • Wonder by R. J. Palacio
  • Tanglewreck by Jeanette Winterson
  • A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness – next on the ‘to read’ list.
  • Varjak Paw and The Outlaw Varjak Paw by SF Said.
  • A whole bunch of creative writing books that will be used for the module. I have made a start, but snail’s pace about covers it.

So while I’m not through this list, I have read other stuff:

  • Rooftoppers by Katherine Rundell – a lovely story about friendship and family and the rooftops of Paris.
  • The Bone Dragon by Alexia Casale – another story about family, but through the opposing dichotomies of destructive vs. nurture and biological vs. adoptive.
  • Glaze by Kim Curran – an interesting near-future story about the perils of social networks.
  • Geek Girl by Holly Smale – a modern take on the Ugly Duckling.
  • The Julian Chapter by R. J. Palacio – the bully’s viewpoint (a side ‘chapter’ for Wonder).
  • Marx for Beginners by Ruis – a Ronseal title. Tells you all you need to know.
  • Write Your Novel from the Middle by James Scott Bell – Ronseal again. But an interesting take on writing guides.
  • The Bunker Diary by Kevin Brooks – Bleaky McBleakerson. No hope, no glory. Would suit a soundtrack by Leonard Cohen.
  • The Fault in Our Stars by John Green – Bleaky McPretentiouspants (my opinion only). But if I was a teenager, I’d probably love it.
  • The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamillo – A fabulous little tale of a toy rabbit’s journey to find his original owner (but also himself).

and I am currently reading:

  • The Problems with Dostoevsky’s Poetics by Mikhail Bakhtin
  • The Intruders by Michael Marshall (not a book that should be read in the same room as a child who talks in her sleep…)
  • Radiant Girl by Andrea White
  • The Writer’s Guide to Crafting Stories for Children by Nancy Lamb

So I’ve impressed myself by getting out of my can’t-read-for-toffee funk. And I have a whole new list of books I need to read in preparation for next month and the start of the writing module. I think my head might just fall off – which could be a result of holding my breath for too long!

Lost in a forest, yeah! January 26, 2010

Posted by phoenixaeon in Children's Literature, EA300, OU, Procrastinating, The Principessa Files, TMA04.
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Sigh. It’s been one of those days. I had all good intentions of studying today…

  1. But the tennis was on. Andy vs. Rafa. Had to watch it. That wasted two and a half hours… Actually, probably a little longer. It finished around 11.45am, so closer to three hours.
  2. The lure of the internet. It called to me. “OOhh,” (because it’s like a ghost in my head) “come online. You know you want to, I’m as addictive as chocolate. I have binging emails, and no, it’s not all junk mail.’ (Yeah, right!) ‘I have Facebook.’ (So does my iPhone. Big whoopdedo!) ‘I have the OU library login. You can waste time looking for articles you don’t need.’ (Tempting; you gotta point there… ) ‘I have them there TV sites where you can watch them there TV shows before they’re aired over in the U of K!’ (Oh, go on then!)
  3. Princi comes home from school. It must be time to dance on the bed to Ravin’ Rabbids on the iPhone. Or time to take turns playing Doodle Jump. Or Bounce Down. Oh, maybe even have my set books read to me (that’s a novelty, but I love it when it happens). Ooh, I see, it’s time to argue about how you are taking too long to eat your dinner and why you can’t have chocolate cake for afters because it’s actually bedtime now. Oh, and here comes the “can’t have chocolate cake strop.” No, I won’t shout. I’ll keep calm. And quiet. And put Coraline on the iPod while I put some earphones in and watch Heroes on them there TV sites. And phew! You’re asleep.
  4. And now I shall blog while Survivors is on.

And so, tempus fugit. Fantabulous! I need someone to twist the key in my back to get me motivated again. (Or should that be motorvated?) So I will do two hours, maybe three, once Survivors is finished. After all, I want to survive through this course. I want to survive the endless forest of new vocabulary that I am lost in – although there does seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel. Even though I didn’t get much studying done today, in the few moments I did pick a book up I came to the realisation that I am slowly, but surely, understanding things. I know this because I re-read a critical essay that I first read at the the beginning of the course and cogs started clicking into place. I think I might even be starting to develop an answer towards the end of course assessment (ECA). This makes me muchos, muchos happy.

Let’s see if I can put my late night study plan into action.

Take me out. March 30, 2009

Posted by phoenixaeon in A215, Conversations with Principessa, Life writing, Principessa in hospital again, Procrastinating, Still feeling yucky, TMA04, writing.

Yesterday afternoon, Princi began complaining that she had hit her head and that it was hurting. After making sure she had found hugs from everyone possible, she ran off and continued doing whatever it was she had been doing. Then she cried again saying that her head still hurt and started asking for her new favourite comfort – to rest your hand on the injured area. So we did, and she once again felt better. Then she fell asleep in Nanny’s bed, but unsure if she had really hit her head, Nanny woke her up and Princi once again began crying. I was worried to begin with, Princi doesn’t really make too much of a fuss if she hurts herself, she’ll cry, I’ll hug and kiss better, she’ll run off and play. However, the continual return to crying and complaining each time that her head hurt really had me worried. I asked her ifit hurt when her head was touched, and she said no. I asked her if it hurt inside, and she said yes. That was it, off to the walk-in centre with Grandand.

When she got back home, she was her normal self. Grandand said that the doctor who examined her said there was nothing wrong, and I joked to Grandand that she did it just to go out before bedtime. When I got upstairs to put her into bed, she was talking to Nanny. I stopped to listen.

Nanny: Are you ok?

Princi: Yes.

Nanny: Does your head hurt now?

Princi: No.

Nanny: Did you just want to go out?

Princi: Yes, I just wanted a ride in Betsy car.

And there we have it. Two hours of worry while she was at the walk-in centre because she wanted to go for a ride in the car! Little pain. She’s her normal headstrong self today: refusing to eat her dinner and to stay out of the kitchen, and demanding that we read books no matter what books they are (it was Tom’s Midnight Garden before school), so all’s well that ends well.

As for me? Still got the sore throat. Have woken up the past two mornings with my tongue glued to the roof of my mouth. I don’t know why my mouth is so dry recently. Maybe I should stop stressing about the next TMA. Got to get that done by the end of the week, and tomorrow is a write-off as Princi has a day off school because it’s parent’s day. Bugger. Just leaves the last three days of the week to get it done. I seriously need to crack the whip of Getting Things Done. It must be time to take the computer to bed with me. At least the evenings (once Princi’s asleep) can be made of productive time.

Wonder what time Andy Murray is playing tonight…

Slacker? That’s me!

Procrastination unlimited. August 18, 2008

Posted by phoenixaeon in Procrastinating.
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Can’t be bothered. Well, I can, I’m just apathetic. Well, I’m not, I just can’t seem to get started.

Yep. TMA08 is proving to be that thing that forces me to sit and play games on the computer or just find something else to do instead. I think I have all of, ooh, 20 words. Only another 1980 to go. Bum. Inspiration is no longer my friend, and procrastination is now just part of the family. Hmph.

And as I have broken the embargo on not posting Principessa pics, this pic demonstrates my procrastination aptly, I think!